About us

PUBLIC POLICIES is an institute for strategic analysis and communication

Our philosophy


Communication is the key to success. This is just as true in business as it is in politics or for organizations and institutions. Especially in turbulent, difficult times, goals must be corrected and strategies adapted. This requires reliable landmarks in an increasingly complex world.

We provide you with this orientation on the basis of elementary data from market and opinion research. In close cooperation with the major institutes for opinion research, we determine the fundamental data that is important for you, subject it to an in-depth strategic analysis and thus provide you with the compass for the necessary course correction.

But we won’t leave you alone on this new course. We will accompany you every step of the way. And we enter into dialog on your behalf. Because dialog connects.

About us

Günther Lachmann: Founder and owner of the PUBLIC POLICIES Institute. Over 30 years of political journalism. Author of political books.

Dr. Angelika Wöhler-Geske:
Data research
Expert in analytical market and opinion research.
Contact: awoehler@public-policies.com

Steffen Westermann: Senior Consultant for Communication.
Contact: st.westermann@public-policies.com